Your personal Health Guide

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How does it work?

Share your story

Talk to our chat about your journey with the condition and healthcare experiences. Share your symptoms, treatments, and what has or hasn’t worked. Your insights contribute to make our community knowledge base more complete and valuable for everyone.

Get your medical report

After sharing your experiences, you can get a comprehensive, doctor-friendly report of your history, including a timeline of your symptoms and treatments. This organized summary helps you communicate with medical professionals, saving time during consultations, and ensuring consistent information across all your healthcare providers.

Get personalized answers (beta)

The more you share, the more precise our AI becomes in addressing your unique situation. While not a substitute for medical advice, our system will provide you with valuable insights and targeted information, helping you navigate your health journey with confidence.

Access patients' insights

See what treatments are working best for other patients, and access complete data on your disease in your country. Benefit from reliable, statistical information, not occasional advice*.

*What others report may not be suitable or effective for your individual case. Always consult with your healthcare provider for medical advice and before making any changes to your care plan.

Your benefits

Reliable and Expert Information
Personalized Answers Based on Your History
Continuous Availability and Support - 24/7
Free Access
Constantly Updated Information
Dedicated Personal Space

Why mama health

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Available 24/7
News & printed media
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mama health
Available 24/7
Instant answers
Personalized answers
Always up-to-date information
Knows all other patient experiences
Free to access
Please note that the information provided on Mama Health is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Always consult your healthcare provider before taking decisions on your health.

+2000 patients

Have already shared their story!


28 years

“Before accessing my new
treatment the
itching made my life hell.
It was a constant
scratching but people
thought it was just a
problem due to stress.
Fortunately, now I feel better…”


38 years

“Talking about my disease has
always been my goal,
but I didn’t know where to start.
On mama health, I have the chance
to make my voice heard.”


28 years

“The difficulty of finding news on
experimental therapies and
practical advice was exasperating.
On mama health, I finally
found my answers.”

Developed and supported by doctors

Dr. Sophie


Dr. Jonas


Dtt. ssa
Silvia Falso


Articles from our blog


Empowering Patient Asoociations to Impact Research & Medicine

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Empowering Patient Asoociations to Impact Research & Medicine

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Empowering Patient Asoociations to Impact Research & Medicine

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Empowering Patient Asoociations to Impact Research & Medicine

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Empowering Patient Asoociations to Impact Research & Medicine

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Empowering Patient Asoociations to Impact Research & Medicine

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