Tools to Live Your Best Life with Atopic Dermatitis

We listen to your story and connect you to a world of useful resources: a community of patients and experts that can help you improve your health. Tell us your story, and gain access to specialized centers and data on the most common treatments.

Trusted by
"Before accessing my new treatment the itching made my life hell. From day to night it was a constant scratching but people thought it was just a problem due to stress. Fortunately, now I feel better..."


28 years, Atopic dermatitis  fighter

"Thanks to mama health, I feel more comfortable with my disease, with the  Atopic dermatitis community I found support and understanding in difficult times"


38 years, Atopic dermatitis fighter

"The difficulty of finding news on experimental therapies and practical advice for living with myasthenia was exasperating. On mama health, I finally found my answers."


38 years, Myasthenia Gravis fighter

"The difficulty of finding news on experimental therapies and practical advice for living with myasthenia was exasperating. On mama health, I finally found my answers."


38 years, Myasthenia Gravis fighter

What's in it for you

Expert advice

With mama health, you have access to video courses created by experts from various disciplines, giving you practical tips on how to better cope with atopic dermatitis.

Discover the community

Our community is a safe and welcoming space to connect with others who understand exactly what you are going through. Seek advice, share your concerns, and find support in the experiences of others.

Contribute to research

By sharing your personal journey with the disease, you contribute to improving medical research and developing new treatments.

Access our statistics

Access our statistics containing useful information on treatments, drug side effects, and comorbidities. Compare your experience and discover what works best for others.

Our Team

Our mission is to give concrete support to those living with Atopic dermatitis every day. Many of us are doctors, specialists, or even patients, and all of us are united by the will to improve patient's lives.

Support and Community
Project Manager
Chief Medical Doctor

Contact us

We're here to help you find support and resources, don't hesitate to reach out.