Nutrition and Myasthenia Gravis: Foods to Avoid

Myasthenia gravis (MG), a neurological condition that weakens voluntary muscles, requires a complex and personalized treatment approach. In addition to essential pharmacological therapy, nutrition plays a significant role in the daily management of symptoms. Therefore, it becomes important to identify and limit certain foods that may negatively affect the well-being of those living with MG.

Foods and Substances to Limit:
Salt and Sugars: Reducing these ingredients helps counteract water retention and hypertension, common side effects of corticosteroids.
Bitter Snacks and Beverages: Avoiding beverages with bittering agents containing quinine, such as chinotto, bitters, or tonic water, and foods like licorice can help alleviate MG symptoms.
Magnesium-Rich Foods: Magnesium, found for example in chocolate, egg whites, and nuts, may interfere with some treatments, worsening symptoms.
Alcohol: Limiting or eliminating alcohol helps reduce the risk of symptom exacerbation.
Refined Carbohydrates: Reducing their consumption can improve energy levels and decrease fatigue.

Tips for a Balanced and Personal Diet:
Listen to Your Body: It's crucial to recognize that food responses are individual; what exacerbates symptoms in one person may not affect another.
Moderation and Balance: Maintaining a varied and balanced diet is essential to ensure a complete nutrient intake without neglecting individual needs.
Consultation with Specialists: Before making significant dietary changes, it's crucial to consult with nutritionists or doctors. This ensures that dietary choices are compatible with MG treatment and adequate nutrition.

Myasthenia gravis requires a holistic approach that includes, in addition to pharmacological therapy, special attention to nutrition. Direct experience underscores the importance of a personalized diet that takes into account individual reactions and contributes to optimal symptom management. Collaborating with healthcare professionals and adopting a mindful dietary regimen are fundamental steps toward improving quality of life.

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Most Common Comorbities

The term comorbidity refers to the presence of one or more health conditions in addition to a main disease. In the case of myasthenia gravis, comorbidities are other medical conditions that a person may have along with myasthenia gravis. This helps us understand that each person has their own unique story, made up of personal experiences that need to be listened to and understood.
The relationship between myasthenia and other diseases can go in both directions. Some diseases may develop because of myasthenia, while others may already be present and affect how myasthenia gravis develops or progresses.
The connection between myasthenia gravis and other diseases is complicated and depends on various factors, such as genetics, environment, lifestyle, and medical treatments. Here are the most commonly reported comorbidities by the patient community:

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